Home cyber sec

Tips to improve cybersecurity at home

We use an increasing number of internet-connected devices in our homes.

Still, because of the risks on the web, many are beginning to wonder how to improve cybersecurity in the house.

Before we go any further on the subject, ask yourself these questions:

  • Are you one of those who go to the bank to withdraw money and pay bills, or do you prefer to move money through your accounts and make payments from a computer or mobile phone in your living room?
  • Do you go to a mall or store to buy your things, or do you prefer to buy them online?
  • Are you a person who prefers to visit friends, or are you more of a social networker?

If you chose the second option in each question, you belong to the group whose life is closely related to the use of the Internet.

But this, in turn, puts you in the group that can be a potential victim of cyber-attacks.  So how do you ensure cybersecurity at home? We are going to give you some handy tips.


Why should I improve my home cybersecurity?


You must remember that today there is a big problem generated by hackers or malicious people who use their computer skills to steal money or take advantage of Internet users and their services.

Attacks range from stealing money from online bank accounts to charging their victims’ credit cards.

But there are also cases where they get intimate photos or videos of people who were not careful enough with their devices. And this material can be used to extort them in many ways.

In other cases, whoever violates the digital security of your home can sell your financial data to groups dedicated to electronic scams. Or they can even “hijack” your computer to mine cryptocurrencies through malware without you even realizing it.

Penetrating a home network is very simple for someone with enough computer knowledge and a lot of malice.


The first step to improving cybersecurity at home


Improving home cybersecurity starts with your home router. This device gives you internet service and through which all your devices connect to the network.

A vulnerable router will put every device you have at home at risk, including computers, cell phones, video game consoles, etc.

Therefore, start by protecting your router with a strong password to prevent an attacker from accessing its configuration page and sneaking into your home network.


Choose your passwords wisely.


Using simple passwords to access email accounts, social networks, or online banking platforms is the most common mistake made by victims of cyberattacks.

A fact proven in several studies in the United States and Europe is that men tend to use their date of birth as a password, while women prefer to use the names of their pets or children.

And the worst thing is that there is a great tendency to use the same password on multiple accounts. With some social engineering, a hacker can obtain this data on the social networks of their potential victims.

Improve home cybersecurity by using complex passwords, combining numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters, and special characters. Try to use different passwords for each account.

You can also use a password manager program to store all these passwords securely and have them at hand when you need them by entering them with a unique master key.


Use 2FA tools to protect your accounts.


One technique that can protect you a lot is “Second Factor Authentication” (2FA) when accessing sensitive sites, such as bank pages or private emails.

This method adds numeric code to the login process. In addition to your username and password, you must enter a second password generated by a 2FA application installed on your cell phone, which changes every 60 seconds.


This implies that an attacker will have to steal your username and password and have physical access to your cell phone to receive the second password.

In the case of your minor children, apply the parental control methods offered by social networks and Internet and email providers.


Antivirus is your best ally.


A good antivirus is a great tool to improve cybersecurity at home.

Despite today’s computer and software technological advancements, computer viruses, Trojans, and malware continue to be a headache for individuals and businesses.

No matter how secure your home network is, you should install a good antivirus program on every computer and your mobile or tablet. And you should update it regularly.

Modern antivirus programs protect against programs that delete data or alter folders (traditional viruses), detect Trojans, and block any malicious code that tries to download onto your computers when you surf the net.


Keep an eye on your printers and game consoles.


Finally, if you have a network printer with a WiFi connection, you should ensure that it only connects to your home network and that no one can access it from outside.

This also applies to video game consoles, connecting via WiFi to join online games or download updates.

Remember that with the Internet of Things (IoT), there are more and more devices online in homes. So you will need to be disciplined with preventative measures if you want to improve cybersecurity in your home.


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