I am a target of cybercriminals

The Biggest Cyber Security Threat

There are lots of types of cybersecurity attacks out there: phishing, ransomware, spyware, malware. But there is a most significant threat to your safety: You.

Yes, many of the cyber attacks that exist nowadays require you to lower your defense for them to act.

To start the attack, they need you to access a website that you shouldn’t, click on a link, download something, bad practices on password, etc.

This means that they need that you open your door to the cyber attackers to operate.

Mainly, the cyber attacker relies on being unprepared about the cybersecurity practices and finding a breach to exploit it.

“I am not a Target.”

Let’s start breaking this myth, YES, YOU ARE A TARGET.

One of the biggest threats is that you are not aware of how valuable your information is.

There are different kinds of cyberattacks, each of them is looking for something special, and you should know them to be prepared.

If you access your bank online or make purchases online, cybercriminals will be eager for your login information and card numbers.

Do not think these criminals are only looking to steal millions in one hit; they are looking for many little scams.

Identity theft is also one of their objectives, to enter your email accounts or access your phone to communicate with your contacts and see if they can get money or valuable information from them by posing as you.

Another type of objective they have is to access your equipment: Security cameras, baby monitors, and other devices that connect to the internet to monitor your movements.

Some more advanced threats require you to use your computer to create a “mining farm” in which you connect multiple computers to have greater power to mine cryptocurrencies.

In addition to some other obscure threats, such as capturing information about you or your family that these criminals can use to blackmail you.

As you can see, indeed, if you are a valuable target for criminals and that is why you need to know how they operate so that you develop the necessary controls to avoid being another victim.

In previous articles, we have explained how to improve the security of your internet network and some other tips that will improve your level of security at home.

If you have any questions or comments, leave them in the comments, and I will be trying to solve them.

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