WFH internet threats

Most Common Internet Threats of Working from Home

Working from home is a huge benefit for many people. However, there are also some drawbacks to working from home. One of the biggest drawbacks is the lack of security and protection that you would have if you were to work in an office building.

There are many different threats that people face when they work from home. The most common threats include identity theft, malware, spam email, and hacking into your computer or phone.

What Are the 9 Most Common Internet Threats When Working from Home?

Working from home is a convenient and cost-effective way to work. However, it also means that you are exposed to the dangers of the internet.

The 9 Most Common Internet Threats When Working From Home:

  1. Unprotected Wi-Fi networks
  2. Unsecured devices
  3. Social media platforms
  4. Hackers and phishing scams
  5. Hackers and viruses on your computer/device
  6. Identity theft
  7. Online predators and sexual predators (online)
  8. Online stalkers/harassment (online)
  9. Malware on your computer/device

How to Protect Your Online Identity

Online identity theft is on the rise. It’s a growing problem that many people are not aware of. With the increase of digital marketing, more and more people are becoming victims of this crime.

In order to protect yourself, you should use the following 8 best ways to protect your online identity:

  1. Use a password manager to create unique passwords for each website you visit
  2. Update your password regularly and change it if it falls prey to hackers or gets stolen from a data breach
  3. Avoid using personal information like your phone number, email address, or home address in any online profile or social media account
  4. Use strong passwords that are not based on names or words found in dictionaries
  5. Change your email password every six months, and never use it for any other purpose
  6. Change your password regularly if you use the same one for multiple accounts
  7. Be cautious of what you post on social media
  8. Monitor your financial accounts to see if they have been hacked or compromised.

What Kinds of Information do Criminals Prefer?

Identity theft is an alarming issue that has been on the rise for a few decades now. It has been estimated that in the United States alone, identity theft costs $16 billion a year.

Identity thieves prefer to steal credit card information and social security numbers as they are easy to get and use. They are also easier to sell on the black market than other forms of personal information like bank account numbers or addresses.

In order to prevent identity theft, it is important to take measures like creating passwords with a combination of letters and numbers, being careful when sharing personal information online, and not giving out too much personal information in general.

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