Robust and safe passwords

Importance of a Strong Password

Did you know that during the year 2021, in the United States only, people had lost more than $ 5.8 billion in scams? That is an increase of more than 70% compared to the previous year, as indicated by the Federal Trade Commission, and an essential portion of this can be classified as Internet fraud.

When you look at these numbers, it is when you realize the importance you have for criminals to have access to your data.

This is why we need to be aware of our information’s value and take the prevention of the case.

Protect yourself using a safe strong password

  • Do not use the same password in all your accounts and devices.
  • Avoid using personal data to create them: birth dates, names, favorite sites … it is difficult enough to find the key.
    Look for a long and complex password: at least 8 characters, better if they are 16, combining letters (upper and lower case), numbers, and symbols.
  • Do not keep your passwords on the same computer since a person will have access to all your passwords if they enter.
    Write them and guard them in a safe place or use a secure platform to store your strong passwords

Extreme care in social networks

  • Be careful what you share: you inform everyone of your life. Just as you do not comment with strangers when you go on vacation, what do you like eating or what do you not spend on your leisure should not do in your virtual life.
  • Be sure to configure privacy in your social accounts: it is for you and your safety.
  • Beware of payments and bank transactions
  • Use only safe pages, those that begin with HTTPS: //
  • Do not keep the pin and passwords; memorize them.
  • Do not pile into the Phishing traps: your bank or other organizations such as the Tax Agency will not go to you by mail to ask for data.
  • How to protect your house from cybercriminals

When we talk about home security, we must also think about cybersecurity because entering our house illegally and our devices using the internet connection of our home or some devices is easier than it might seem.

Be very careful because they can “sneak into” where you least imagine, especially in the most “digitized” houses; some examples of devices with which you should be careful:

  • Router. A password established by you must protect it. Set it by changing the name of the Wi-Fi network and the default password. The name of the network should not include the operator.
  • Printer. When you turn it on, many models create an open Wi-Fi network to which anyone can connect. Be sure to configure the Wi-Fi network as soon as you turn it on.
  • Tablets. Keep sight of them and never leave them unattended in a public place or waiting room: in a short time, it is easy to copy malware that activates the camera and add web pages to the allowed sites.
  • Thermostats, alarms, or “intelligent” locks. These devices are usually well protected; however, with theft of credentials, these devices can be located through its website map, and know whether or not it is on (and therefore deduce whether there is someone not at home)
  • Locate the alarm and lock and know where to go … It is very important to find a model with two-step verification (password +SMS), configure it thus, and always use strong passwords.
  • Connected toys, smartwatches for children, cameras, and similar devices: in principle, they should not be dangerous … but in practice, it is very easy for a criminal to use them for their purposes.


The key to a safe home is to configure safety options, use strong passwords, memorize them, or guard them on a secure platform.

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