Email Compromised

How to find out if someone hacked my email account

Sometimes it is necessary to find a way to check if hacked or compromised email account. The fact is that the mandatory use of email to access specific online services has expanded the areas of attack for cybercriminals.

Therefore, it increases our concern. If you feel the same as me, keep reading this post because here I share with you some websites available on the web that detect data theft in email accounts.

Websites that diagnose a hacked email account

Unfortunately, all of us are exposed to cybercrime. Under this circumstance, it is convenient for us to be very attentive to know if our email account has been hacked.

Therefore, at the slightest hint, resorting to these websites is an excellent option to rule out or check our suspicions.

Have I been PWNED?

Have I Been Pwned?

The first thing to do is access the HIBP system and type in your email address.

Your information will be under the k-anonymity mathematical system protection to prevent data tracking.

Immediately, the page will indicate the verdict of the analysis. It evaluates whether our account is among the sites that have been victims of data theft.

A red warning will appear if your email is on the breached accounts database.

Information like: when, which are the sites that have suffered security breaches and from which they have accessed with our email.

Otherwise, the warning will be green.

 Firefox Monitor

The Firefox Monitor tool is another solution available on the web to check if our email account has been hacked. To perform the check, we must access the page, enter our email address, and wait a few seconds for the search result.

It also warns us when new leaks appear, but it is necessary to create a Firefox account.

Identity Leak Checker

You must visit the official site Identity Leak Checker to check your email.

Then, you must enter your email address and click on “check email address”. Then its technology will scan the Internet database and check if there is any publication of our personal information or if our account has been hacked.

The result takes a few seconds and is sent in a message to the email. If identity theft is detected, it will tell us when it happened.


To use this service, go to the official website. Then we enter our email address and wait for it to synchronize our email address among the 3.2 billion breaches collected in its technology.

The result takes a couple of seconds to inform us whether or not there are filtration matches and where they appear.

Have I been Sold?

Apart from checking if our email account has been hacked, the Have I Been Sold option finds out if it has been sold to third parties. Under this circumstance, we can report the email platform from the same login page.


‘Hacked?’ is a version of the site ‘Have I Been Pwned?’ for Windows 10. This universal application available in the Microsoft Store is free to download.

Once installed, you must scan the emails in the side menu. Subsequently, it will automate the process of examining them every 12 hours.

When it detects a vulnerability in any email, it will tell us specifically which one has been compromised.

If any of the recommended programs proves that the email account has been hacked, the most sensible reaction we should assume is to suspend our account. Since while it is active, we expose our data and, with it, our integrity.

This can also open a breach to affect our contacts and receive spam.

Minimum measures to avoid the hacking of the email account

There is no foolproof method of protection against spyware. Following a few preventive measures is the least we can do to prevent spyware from hacking into our email accounts.

  • Install an updated antivirus with antispyware functions on the computer.
  • Keep the firewall activated.
  • Use a password manager.
  • Create secure and different passwords for each account.
  • Do not recycle passwords.
  • Avoid downloading files of suspicious origin.
  • Avoid pop-up ads.
  • To question the integrity of the received mails.
  • Do not open unwanted emails.

Also, you can look up an article on how to improve your network security 

All of the above is because malicious spyware is the most efficient ally of hackers, and unfortunately, it is almost undetectable on the computer.

My email account has been hacked; what do I do?

The most significant danger is that the hacker can usurp our identity and use our name as a shield to commit cybercrime besides having access to all our services registered with that email. It also can change our passwords and send spam from our email.

Two-step verification is the most challenging format to overcome. It adds one more step by some other way to authenticate that it is us who are accessing our account.

To do so offers different ways, but all of them aim to provide an efficient method against digital hacking.


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